

  1. 答:作文标题: 小学生肆拆应不应该穿校服?(议论文)
    关 键 词: 小学 初中初一 400字
    字    数: 400字作文
    本文适合: 初中初一
    本作文是关于初中初一400字的作文,题目为:《小学生应不应该穿校服?(议论文)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。 小学生应不应该穿校服?(议论文)广州的小学生天天上学都要穿校服,但是来到洛阳,宁宁姐姐告诉我:“这里的小学生平时都不用穿校服,升旗的时候才穿。”我觉得小学生不应该穿校服,有三个原因:第一,夏天穿校服太热了,一上体育课的时候就更热了。因为校服太厚了,广州湿热,每次上完体育课衣服后面都有很多汗。中午回家了以后还要晒,晒干了以后才能穿,穿上以后还有一股又酸又臭的味道,好难闻呀!
问:小学五年级作文 议论文 题目 生命 400-500字
  1. 答:那就快点决定是否获得很大的缓解阿含经陵李旁大户和哈哈哈读卡机HDUKDHIHHUDWDH客户和ufkjuehukahkhhsuhfueh 好的环境和电视扰碧剧额uhjfh 今后金湖荷花服饰好好发挥份额尺橡ufeukfskfhhush上海市废话和uhsfusfheu uhfufhekuhf uhue好好 额us库房 ue
  2. 答:qwr qwr weqwyteurimymuner
  3. 答:hghjghjkljkhhffddsgyghjvddsgghfjklgjkljiouiofmd,mga.ejkjtrknklaj,mnmfdjgjkhdajgtnjkbnjkdfnejkbhsjksgnjkghjkwegjdfjklgjkljfklgtgmdfgnjg
  4. 答:作文:“生命”五年级,500字
问:有一些英语议论文作文题目,每篇都需要400字,大家能 几篇就写几篇,能帮找几篇也可以,跪谢啦!
  1. 答:1. Popular events like the Olympic Games, World Expo and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a say way. What’s your opinion in this regard? Please write about 400 words within 45 minutes to show your personal stand.
    2. As reading is important for a good education, children are invariably encouraged to read extensively. But does this mean that children should read whatever appeals to them? Write position of about 400 words within 45 minutes to assess arguments for or against this view
  2. 答:Now has almost e the symbol of information age. Some think that it is a very great invention because by it, they can do many things that were impossible before. But some view with much disapproval because it distracts people’s attention rather than help people do things better. What is your opinion about the influence of on the modern society? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: and the Modern Society.
    I Which is more important for you in your life: knowledge from books you read or personal experiences in reality? Please use details to explain your answer in about 400 words within 45 minutes.
  3. 答:11111111111声带肥大
